Gen AI

The Fall of Man

March 10th, 2024

fall of man thumb

The Fall of Man (1616) by Hendrick Goltzius hangs in the National Gallery of Art, in the West Building, Main Floor - Gallery 45. You can check it out next time you're in DC.

Or, you can see it online from the comfort of your home, where you'll also find a lovingly detailed, 454 word description of the piece. (For reference, the Gettysburg Address is 272 words.)

Or, if you're driving, or visually impaired, you can spend two and half minutes listening to the description of the painting in spoken English.

Take a listen-


What did you picture?

Was it this?

A nude man and woman, both with pale, luminous skin, recline together under an apple tree in front of a deep landscape in this horizontal painting. Their bodies entwined, Adam and Eve gaze into each other’s eyes. To our left, Adam’s muscular torso faces us as his slightly bent knees, resting along the ground, come toward us. He braces his upper body on his elbow, which rests on a low, mossy rock, and he holds a small green fruit in that hand. A sprig of rounded leaves covers his genitals. He has short, tousled, copper-brown hair, dark eyes, a straight nose, and his parted lips curl in a slight smile. A wispy, ginger-brown beard lines his jaw. He looks at Eve in profile as she leans against his chest. Her torso faces away from us, and her legs are tucked under her body, so their feet nearly touch. She lightly touches his chest with the fingertips of her left hand, and she holds up a small green and red apple in her other hand. A bite has been taken from the apple. Eve’s honey-brown hair is gathered at the back of her head, and she has dark eyes, a delicate nose, rosy, rounded cheeks, and full, coral-pink lips. In the lower left corner of the painting, a brown and white cat sits near Adam’s hip and looks out at us with gold-colored eyes. A tree rises behind the pair, along the left edge of the composition, and branches with oblong, sage-green leaves and red fruit frame the couple. Upon closer inspection, a snake winds around the trunk. The snake’s body is mustard yellow and dark teal, and it has a human face with flushed cheeks and blond hair. The snake’s face looms just above Eve’s head, and it looks at or toward us. To our right of Adam and Eve, the scene opens up onto a landscape with a grassy expanse leading back to rocky mountains in the distance. Closer to us and near the right edge of the painting, a goat with almond-colored fur stands facing away from us as it turns its head back to look at the people, munching a tuft of vegetation. The head of a black goat peeks in from the right edge, also looking toward the center of the painting. Tiny in scale, an elephant, two camels, and several other animals move through the landscape near the base of the mountain. A streak of ruby red appears in the otherwise hazy blue sky, near the snake’s head. The artist signed and dated the painting as if he had inscribed the rock on which Adam rests his elbow: “HG AE 1616,” with the HG conjoined to make a monogram.

Did you really picture Adam with a belly button? What's up with that? Or did you picture more cats, more abs, more incredible beasts? Dall-e did!

The image depicts a fantastical scene heavily inspired by the Garden of Eden narrative. In the center, there are two human figures resembling classical representations of Adam and Eve, reclining under a tree. A serpent wraps around the bough of the tree, which is laden with apples, suggesting the temptation scene from the Biblical story. Various animals populate the scene, including a bison to the left, an antelope, and even a mythological-looking creature that blends characteristics of different animals, such as an antelope and a goat. In the foreground, two cats rest near an assortment of fruits. A human skull rests amidst the foliage at the bottom of the image, possibly symbolizing mortality or the consequences of the fall of man. The background features a lush landscape with trees, a river, and mountains under a sunset or sunrise sky. Birds are flying in the sky, and there's an idyllic atmosphere to the scene despite the presence of the skull. This image blends elements of nature with allegorical and mythological implications.

Since there was something lost in translation, despite the exhaustively precise prompt, I was curious how ChatGPT itself would have described the original. I passed the painting to the (somewhat) new Vision API and asked AI to describe what it saw. ChatGPT used a third fewer words, and focused more on the emotional and cultural content than on the physical characteristics.

For instance, ChatGPT immediately anchors the setting to the biblical Garden of Eden. Neither the bible nor the Garden are mentioned at all in the original description. ChatGPT notes the intimacy of their eye contact and physical touch. There are no emotional descriptors in the original.

ChatGPT seems to mix up their genders, which is an interesting lapse. Here, its recognition of the Adam and Eve story didn't help it disambiguate who was offering the apple to whom.

This image is a classic painting depicting two nude figures who are suggesting the biblical characters Adam and Eve from the Christian creation narrative. The two individuals are in a garden setting, which can be inferred as the Garden of Eden, and they are engaging intimately with one another with eye contact and physical touch. The man appears to be holding a fruit, often interpreted as the forbidden fruit, and offering it to the woman

In the foreground, a cat-like animal is lying beside the figures, and in the background, we see more animals, such as a goat and another darker creature, which might symbolize the presence of other living creatures in the Garden of Eden. The setting includes trees, bushes, and a distant landscape that contributes to the serene and idyllic atmosphere typically associated with depictions of Eden. The painting style, the finesse in rendering human anatomy, and attention to detail reflect the techniques of classical European art.

I piped ChatGPT's description back into Dall-e. While Adam gained a leg, a lot of the intimacy and tenderness of the original came back. Eve doesn't care about the leg, look at how she's holding his hand.

This image is a classic painting depicting two nude figures who are suggesting the biblical characters Adam and Eve from the Christian creation narrative. The two individuals are in a garden setting, which can be inferred as the Garden of Eden, and they are engaging intimately with one another with eye contact and physical touch. The man appears to be holding a fruit, often interpreted as the forbidden fruit, and offering it to the woman. In the foreground, a cat-like animal is lying beside the figures, and in the background, we see more animals, such as a goat and another darker creature, which might symbolize the presence of other living creatures in the Garden of Eden. The setting includes trees, bushes, and a distant landscape that contributes to the serene and idyllic atmosphere typically associated with depictions of Eden. The painting style, the finesse in rendering human anatomy, and attention to detail reflect the techniques of classical European art.

Also note that this time, the knowledge of Adam and Eve seems to have over-ridden the physical description. Here, Eve holds the fruit, even though the prompt explicitly specified that the "man appears to be holding a fruit...and offering it to the woman"

Next, I thought it'd be fun to explore how the painting evolved after several generations of this describe -> draw -> describe -> draw telephone game. I started with the image Dall-e drew from the original, human description, asked ChatGPT to describe it, and went from there.

In ten generations, Adam begat ... begat Noah. In my telephone game, it only took ten generations to flood Eden with rowdy boaters on Spring Break.

Adam and Eve climb the tree by the fourth generation and are gone by the sixth, when Eden's been gentrified. (Adam sulks in the branches while Eve rolls her eyes down below in the fifth, and some foot traffic starts to appear.) A few elephants first appear in the ninth generation, and by the tenth Eden is overrun by them.

Here's the full lineage, with each image accompanied by ChatGPT's description of it.

A nude man and woman, both with pale, luminous skin, recline together under an apple tree in front of a deep landscape in this horizontal painting. Their bodies entwined, Adam and Eve gaze into each other’s eyes. To our left, Adam’s muscular torso faces us as his slightly bent knees, resting along the ground, come toward us. He braces his upper body on his elbow, which rests on a low, mossy rock, and he holds a small green fruit in that hand. A sprig of rounded leaves covers his genitals. He has short, tousled, copper-brown hair, dark eyes, a straight nose, and his parted lips curl in a slight smile. A wispy, ginger-brown beard lines his jaw. He looks at Eve in profile as she leans against his chest. Her torso faces away from us, and her legs are tucked under her body, so their feet nearly touch. She lightly touches his chest with the fingertips of her left hand, and she holds up a small green and red apple in her other hand. A bite has been taken from the apple. Eve’s honey-brown hair is gathered at the back of her head, and she has dark eyes, a delicate nose, rosy, rounded cheeks, and full, coral-pink lips. In the lower left corner of the painting, a brown and white cat sits near Adam’s hip and looks out at us with gold-colored eyes. A tree rises behind the pair, along the left edge of the composition, and branches with oblong, sage-green leaves and red fruit frame the couple. Upon closer inspection, a snake winds around the trunk. The snake’s body is mustard yellow and dark teal, and it has a human face with flushed cheeks and blond hair. The snake’s face looms just above Eve’s head, and it looks at or toward us. To our right of Adam and Eve, the scene opens up onto a landscape with a grassy expanse leading back to rocky mountains in the distance. Closer to us and near the right edge of the painting, a goat with almond-colored fur stands facing away from us as it turns its head back to look at the people, munching a tuft of vegetation. The head of a black goat peeks in from the right edge, also looking toward the center of the painting. Tiny in scale, an elephant, two camels, and several other animals move through the landscape near the base of the mountain. A streak of ruby red appears in the otherwise hazy blue sky, near the snake’s head. The artist signed and dated the painting as if he had inscribed the rock on which Adam rests his elbow: “HG AE 1616,” with the HG conjoined to make a monogram.
The image depicts a fantastical scene heavily inspired by the Garden of Eden narrative. In the center, there are two human figures resembling classical representations of Adam and Eve, reclining under a tree. A serpent wraps around the bough of the tree, which is laden with apples, suggesting the temptation scene from the Biblical story. Various animals populate the scene, including a bison to the left, an antelope, and even a mythological-looking creature that blends characteristics of different animals, such as an antelope and a goat. In the foreground, two cats rest near an assortment of fruits. A human skull rests amidst the foliage at the bottom of the image, possibly symbolizing mortality or the consequences of the fall of man. The background features a lush landscape with trees, a river, and mountains under a sunset or sunrise sky. Birds are flying in the sky, and there's an idyllic atmosphere to the scene despite the presence of the skull. This image blends elements of nature with allegorical and mythological implications.
This image depicts a painting of a lush and vibrant paradise scene. At first glance, it appears to be inspired by the biblical Garden of Eden. In the center, there are two figures that resemble Adam and Eve, with Eve reaching for an apple while conversing with Adam. Various animals populate the scene, including deer, antelope, cats, and birds, among others. Some animals are in the trees, such as snakes and a curious goat, emphasizing a sense of harmony between species. The rivers and meadows in the background create a sense of depth and tranquility. The presence of a skull and a sleeping child at the bottom adds a layer of symbolism, possibly alluding to the themes of life, death, and innocence. The meticulous detail in the flora and fauna, the serene landscape, and the classical composition are indicative of traditional Western art styles. This artistic portrayal evokes themes of nature's abundance, the interconnectedness of life forms, and perhaps the consequences of human actions within a paradisiacal context
The image depicts an idyllic and lush landscape filled with a rich variety of wildlife and trees bearing fruits. The scene is reminiscent of the Garden of Eden narrative, with figures that are likely to represent Adam and Eve. On the left, a man stands at the base of a large tree with a woman positioned above him, reaching out to pluck a fruit, which is traditionally interpreted as an apple. This act symbolizes the biblical story of the Fall of Man, where Eve takes fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and shares it with Adam. In the foreground and throughout the landscape, there are various animals in peaceful coexistence, including deer, sheep, rabbits, birds, and even a dog resting near the bottom right corner. The center of the painting reveals a tranquil river that flows into the distance, flanked by verdant hills and mountains, adding to the serenity and perfection of the setting. The overall composition of the image is rich in color and meticulous detail, illustrating a scene of harmony before the introduction of sin into the world, according to the biblical narrative.
You've shared an image of an idyllic painting that depicts a pastoral scene. The painting is rich in detail and features a variety of animals and humans in harmony with nature, which is a common theme in many classical and romantic artworks. The harmony portrayed often represents a utopian world or the Garden of Eden, exemplified by the peace and tranquility between all creatures and elements within the scene. In the center, two large trees dominate the landscape, with various types of fruit and people interacting around and in them. Surrounding these central elements, you can observe: A diverse range of animals including deer, lions, cows, sheep, and birds, living peacefully alongside each other; People in historical or classical attire that could suggest a setting from antiquity or an imagined past; In the foreground, an abundant display of fruits and vegetables, suggesting fertility and plenty; Various landscapes in the background with mountains, rivers, forests, and a calm lake, which contribute to the serene atmosphere; Scenes of human activity, such as a person in a rowboat on the water, people conversing, and a woman holding a child. The overall composition creates a sense of balance and harmony, inviting viewers to contemplate the beauty and serenity of the natural world and how humans might exist within it. The painting could be interpreted in several ways, depending on the context, the artist's intentions, and viewers' perspectives.
This image depicts a lush and vivid landscape filled with a variety of elements. It appears to be a painting that falls within the Western art tradition, packed with detail and allegorical content. The scene is set in a bucolic paradise where humans and animals coexist peacefully. Starting from the foreground, there are groups of people engaged in serene activities such as conversation, contemplation, and enjoyment of the surrounding nature. These individuals are dressed in classical or biblical-style garments, which indicates that the image may have a religious or mythological theme. Animals of various species, including lions, deer, horses, and sheep, are interspersed harmoniously throughout the scene. In one part of the painting, it looks like a child is interacting with a lamb while nearby an adult lion peacefully lies down with them. This could be a representation of the Biblical "peaceable kingdom," where predators and prey live together without violence, symbolizing a paradisiacal or utopian vision. The landscape includes lush trees, calm bodies of water with boats, and mountains in the background. The presence of fruit, flowers, and birds throughout the scene adds to the painting's idyllic and abundant atmosphere. Birds are depicted mid-flight, and the sky holds a few clouds, punctuating an otherwise clear blue backdrop. It's also notable that the painting's perspective draws the eye into the distance towards the mountain range, suggesting depth and a vast, Eden-like setting.
This is an image of a painting depicting a pastoral and idyllic scene that appears to be influenced by the concept of the Garden of Eden or some form of utopia. The scene is rich with diverse forms of flora and fauna. There are numerous animals peacefully coexisting, including lions, sheep, deer, leopards, cattle, and birds. The landscape features luscious trees, mountains in the distance, and a peaceful river meandering through the valley. There are also several human figures throughout the painting that are engaged in different activities such as resting, conversing, riding horses, and boating. Notably, no one seems engaged in laborious work; rather, the humans are at leisure, which accentuates the sense of harmony and tranquility. Fruit is arranged prominently in the foreground, complemented by flowers and verdure. The sky is mostly clear with a few clouds, and birds are in flight, adding to the sense of serenity and untouched nature. The style of painting, the arrangement of figures, and the attention to detail suggest that this could be a work from the Renaissance or Baroque period, aiming to depict an idealized version of nature and human existence.
This image depicts a lush and idyllic landscape filled with an abundance of flora and fauna. It is a fine example of a classical pastoral scene. The foreground displays a variety of animals that include sheep, lions, and leopards living in harmony alongside humans. In addition to the animals, there are groups of people who appear peaceful and at rest, dressed in colorful robes, which gives the scene a timeless or mythological feel. Fruit and flowers are spread out on the ground, adding to the sense of abundance and fertility. In the middle ground, we can see a river meandering through the valley, with small boats and more groups of animals sprinkled throughout the verdant landscape. The background consists of majestic, high mountains that tower over the scene, providing a grand and serene backdrop to the tranquil life in the foreground. Flying above the valley are several birds, hinting at the freedom and natural beauty of the area. Overall, the scene is likely designed to evoke an Edenic paradise, where nature and humanity exist in a peaceful, unspoiled state.
This image depicts a serene and vibrant scene that appears to be an artistic representation of an idyllic landscape similar to the concept of paradise or the Garden of Eden. Here are some elements observed in the picture: 1. Human Figures: The image contains multiple people dressed in colorful, ancient-looking robes. They are engaged in various activities like sitting, standing, conversing, or handling fruits, and are positioned throughout the landscape; 2. Animals: A wide variety of animals are peacefully coexisting in this scene. They include sheep, goats, leopards, and other creatures both on land and in the water; 3. Landscape: The backdrop consists of a picturesque landscape with large, towering mountains, lush greenery, blooming flowers, and trees. A river meanders through the valley, enhancing the tranquil setting; 4. Flora: There is an abundance of plant life, featuring colorful flowers, fruit trees, and green shrubs; 5. Fruit and Foliage: The foreground prominently displays an assortment of fruits such as apples, grapes, pomegranates, and berries -- symbolizing abundance and fertility; 6. Water Activities: People are depicted in boats, enjoying the serene waterways that guide through the landscape; 7. Birds: A flock of birds is seen flying in the sky, adding to the sense of freedom and tranquility. The overall feel of the image is harmonious and utopian, likely intended to evoke a sense of peace, bounty, and coexistence between humans, animals, and nature.
his image depicts a vibrant and colorful landscape bustling with activity. At the first glance, it seems to illustrate a sort of utopian scenery where people and animals coexist peacefully in a lush environment. Starting from the foreground, you can see groups of people engaged in various activities, such as gathering fruits, tending to animals, boating on a river, and enjoying the company of one another in a tranquil setting. The flora is rich and diverse, presenting an abundance of flowering plants, fruit trees, and verdant greenery. Moving to the midground, the river meanders through the valley, with more people and animals along its banks, including elephants and flocks of sheep. The scenery includes trees and plants bearing fruits and flowers, contributing to the feeling of abundance. In the background are picturesque mountains and a soft, glowing sky that might suggest either sunrise or sunset, adding to the idyllic quality of the scene. Birds are flying in the sky, reinforcing the sense of harmony with nature. The style of the artwork has a surreal, almost fantasy-like quality, inviting the viewer to imagine a world where nature's bounty is unlimited and all creatures share the land in a peaceful coexistence. The intricate details and vibrant colors make it a visually engaging piece with many elements to discover upon closer examination


  • National Gallery of Art 🇺🇸

  • OpenAI API

  • Models used: dall-e-3 · gpt-4-vision-preview · tts-1-hd

  • Time spent: about 3 hours

  • Money spent: about $3

A screenshot of OpenAPI usage showing $3.27 spent on March 10th