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Product Engineering


Distinguished by uncommon emotional intelligence, creativity, and strategic thinking. Culture-focused. Outcome-oriented. Passionate about making beautiful products that matter.

    Areas of impact
    What I Build

    • cowboy hat patch


      I help start-ups scale rapidly without drama. I build high-performing teams with a strong sense of purpose and business alignment. I build systems for fast decisions and fierce prioritization. I laugh a lot, and give great high fives. Office dogs love me.
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        As an advisor and fractional CTO, I help early stage founders look around corners and navigate tough decisions. I'm most frequently asked for guidance on: talent discovery/recruiting, team structure, what to measure, how to move fast in a regulated space.
        • hard hat patch


          I offer both 1:1 coaching and small group workshops. My practice centers on identifying and amplifying your strongest strengths. I bring both 25 years of personal experience, and best practice techniques that immediately increase day-to-day effectiveness.

          Building my expertise

          Career highlights
          hinge grandmother

          VP Engineering · 2019 - 2024
          Hinge Health

          Scaled a product engineering team from 15 to 300 to help millions of working Americans move beyond chronic pain.
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          Head of Web and Platform Development · 2017 - 2019
          Lumos Labs

          Overhauled tech stacks and revitalized Agile workflow to better deliver brain games that improve memory, problem solving, and other cognitive skills.

          Head of Engineering · 2016 - 2017

          Transformed the tech running an international tour guide marketplace into an experiential marketing platform, so brand marketers could quantify the ROI of creative in-person events.
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          Principal Engineer · 2015 - 2016
          Touch of Modern · 2016

          Designed and delivered large tech projects to help a popular flash-sale site scale to keep up with demand.
          weddington way

          VP Product and Engineering · 2015
          Weddington Way

          Overhauled web UX and conversion funnel to help make bridesmaid dress shopping social and async, so geo-dispersed bridal parties could have more fun finding better dresses with more pockets.

          VP Engineering · 2005 - 2015

          Built a high-performance search and discovery engine that fueled Cafepress's growth as a print-on-demand pioneer, offering a delightful, personalized alternative to mass marketed gifts, gift cards, and home accessories.

          Personal Passions
          Building My Character

          • Dad of the Year
          • Peace Corps
          • Reading
          • Travel
          • Camping

          Testimonials (aggregated)
          Building a reputation

          I gave GPT 4 my 360° reviews from the last few years & asked it to identify and paraphrase ten consistent themes

          • Culture Builder

            You've been instrumental in shaping the organization's culture, helping to structure the chaos of growth for more cohesiveness. Your values are embedded in the work environment, demonstrating that it's possible to make a career here.

          • Compassionate Leadership

            Your sound leadership paired with compassion has left a lasting legacy in the organization. You inspire your team by continually promoting our collective development and maintaining a focus on personal connections as integral to our success.

          • Authenticity & Inspiration

            Your genuine, consistent approach towards work and colleagues is deeply appreciated. The commitment, empathy, and care you show in leadership have had a profound influence, inspiring us to pursue higher standards for ourselves and our work.

          • Building Trust

            Your commitment to fostering a transparent and trusting environment is revered.

          • Empowerment

            You've created a supportive atmosphere where team members feel empowered. By wholeheartedly backing the decisions of your team, you've instilled confidence and fostered an environment conducive to learning and growth.

          • Guidance and Mentorship

            Time and again, your solid mentorship has been pivotal to many team members' journeys. Your wisdom, coupled with your willingness to provide as-needed support, has contributed significantly to the personal and professional growth within our team.

          • Positive Impact on the Organization

            The positive influence of your leadership extends far beyond your direct relationships. Even those who haven't worked closely with you acknowledge your impact on shaping the organization, appreciating your role in the company's development and success.

          • Intentional and Effective Communication

            Your communication style stands out as intentional and effective, facilitating understanding and fostering a more inclusive, collaborative environment. Your ability to ask probing questions has led to clarity and better outcomes.

          • Attention to Individual Growth

            You've shown a deep concern for individual growth, providing necessary tools and resources to increase personal development. Your personalized feedback and supportive annotations demonstrate your commitment to nurturing everyone's potential.

          • Result-Driven Approach

            Your result-focused approach inspires people, driving them to find solutions that make a positive impact. You've not only encouraged team members to think outside their horizons, but have also guided them towards the realization of envisioned goals.